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Most Popular Cities for a Hoverboard

Do you think your city is one of the best cities to ride a StreetSaw hoverboard in?

We did some research, and the answers to where hoverboards are most popular weren't what we expected.

Best Cities for a Hoverboard Are in, California?

We'll get to the full list of cities, but first, we want to let you know what we THOUGHT they would be before we set out with our real survey.

(If you're itching for the real results only, just scroll through this section)

Initially, we thought that the the majority of the people riding a hoverboarda would be in major cities on the West Coast like Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange County, San Francisco or even the smaller beach cities like Manhattan Beach, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, Hermosa Beach, Santa Monica, and Huntington Beach.


But, in our defense, wouldn't you think that these would be key locations for buying a hoverboard?

I mean, its direct by sea from China. A straight shot really.

And Californians, come on, we all know they're into gadgets (Silicon Valley) and have a higher average income than just about any other state in the USA, right?


Los Angeles and San Francisco were included, but they weren't the hottest spots in the country. In California, the hottest cities where people wanted to ride a hoverboard were:

  1. Los Angeles
  2. San Jose
  3. San Diego
  4. Manhattan Beach
  5. Sacramento
  6. La Mesa
  7. Laguna Beach
  8. Fullerton
  9. Santa Ana
  10. Walnut Creek
  11. Mountain View
  12. Palo Alto
  13. Citrus Heights


(Those who skipped, can stop scrolling now!)

Most Popular Cities for a Hoverboard

Enough about California, lets talk about the BIGGEST cities in the United States, ranked by the popularity of the self balancing scooters and hoverboard in each city.

Now, lets rank the best cities to ride a hoverboard from most popular cities to least popular cities:

  1. New York, NY
  2. Washington DC
  3. Boston, MA
  4. Philadelphia, PA
  5. Chicago, IL
  6. Los Angeles, CA
  7. San Francisco, CA
  8. Baltimore, MA
  9. Atlanta, GA
  10. Detroit, MI
  11. Dallas, TX
  12. Seattle, WA
  13. Houston, TX
  14. Miami, FL
  15. Tampa Bay, FL
  16. Orlando, FL
  17. Cleveland, OH

It appears that the more crowded the population, the more popular owning a hoverboard is.

I was personally surprised that so many people want them in New York because my expectation was that it would be difficult to ride with so many people everywhere. Then, there's also the snow factor.

Being from Minnesota myself, I could really see how a owning a hoverboard would catch on. A lot of us own dogs, and owning a hoverboard would be a great way to tire them out on walks.


Least Popular Cities / States

Seeing a hoverboard is practically impossible in any of the following states. Either they haven't caught onto them yet, or the people just don't find them practical for their use in these states.

  1. Alaska
  2. Hawaii
  3. Maine
  4. West Virginia
  5. Kentucky
  6. Iowa
  7. North Dakota
  8. South Dakota
  9. Nebraska
  10. Kansas
  11. Montana
  12. Idaho
  13. Wyoming
  14. New Mexico
  15. Nevada
  16. Arkansas
  17. Vermont

Cities and States Catching On

The following cities and states seem to be catching hoverboard fever, but their temperature isn't very high yet. We do, of course, hope to change that.

  1. Minneapolis, MN
  2. Denver, CO
  3. Portland, OR
  4. Salt Lake City, UT
  5. Phoenix, AZ
  6. New Orleans, LA
  7. Milwaukee, WI
  8. Oklahoma City, OK
  9. St. Louis, MO
  10. Indianapolis, IN
  11. Nashville, TN
  12. Austin, TX
  13. San Antonio, TX
  14. Charlotte, NC
  15. Cincinnati, OH
  16. Columbus, OH
  17. Pittsburg, PA
  18. Durham, NC
  19. Memphis, TN
  20. Nashville, TN
  21. Albuqurque, NM
  22. Brownsville, TX
  23. Pensacola, FL

We are hoping that everybody from every state can find a reason to use their hoverboard to improve their daily life.

If you're from any of the cities in this list, we ship to you! Hawaii and Alaska carry an extra fee, but we do ship to those states also!

Now that you've thought about how practical owning a hoverboard is in your state, check out some of our best selling hoverboards now!

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