Hoverboard Repair

Help! My Hoverboard Got Wet! What to Do When Your Hoverboard Takes a Dive in the Water
There’s always been a mystical bond between electronic gadgets and water. They just can’t seem to stay away from each other. Especially if you think you can ride a hoverboard in the rain. Just think about it. How often have you seen people drop their newest smartphones or iPods into...
Hoverboard Won't Recalibrate? Here's What to Do!
When a hoverboard won't recalibrate it's an indication of a deeper problem. Calibration basically is a software reset, and when this won't work, the issue with the hover board is a hardware problem. Hoverboard Won't Calibrate Fix To repair a hoverboard with a hardware problem parts must be replaced. 95% of the...
What does a yellow battery light mean on a hoverboard?
A yellow battery light on a hoverboard is the same as an orange light on a hoverboard. In short, a yellow flashing light on a hover board means that the battery is bad or going bad. This typically happens after 6-12 months of use. Other occasions where a hoverboard has...
What are the two center wires in the middle of a hoverboard?
The two wires from the center of the hoverboard are: 1) An indicator light that notifies you if the footpad sensors are being activated (whether someone is on the board or not). This indicator light also has a red flashing light sequence of 1 flash to 9 flashes which is...

How to Install a Hoverboard Battery
Learn how to install a hoverboard battery with this easy video by Daniel at StreetSaw Hoverboards. Video Title: How to Install a Replacement Hoverboard Battery in Less than 4 Minutes! Video Length: 4 Minutes, 11 Seconds Tools Needed: Philips Head Screwdriver, Replacement Hoverboard Battery View Full Size on Youtube: How to Install...

How to Replace Hoverboard Gyroscope Sensors
Has your hoverboard stopped working? Are you wondering how to replace hoverboard gyroscope sensors so you can get back on the road? If so, you've found the right page. We are going to show you exactly how to install gyroscopes onto your smart balance wheel. Estimated Repair Time 20 minutes Tools...