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Pink Hoverboard for Sale

Pink hoverboard is a favorite color by many and also the most popular hover board color for young girls. You may also want to buy pink hoverboard accessories from us as we keep them in stock as well. Each model listed below is available in pink.

Pink Hoverboard SuperIf we’re honest, we’ve all wondered what it would be like to have a superpower.

What would yours be?

Superhuman strength? Ability to see the future? A body double so you can have twice the life experience and half the work?

Whatever your ultimate choice is, you’ve likely grappled with the idea of being able to fly.

Will that ever be a possibility? Probably not.

Does it matter? Certainly not.

What matters is that you now have an option that is just as futuristic and twice as cool.

The ability to hover through the growing pains of moving from place to place.

That is the power and possibility of our pink hoverboard.

It is sound, swift, and crafted with superior technology - all to revolutionize the way that you move.

The Future Of Mobility

Hoverboards made a debut in the “Back To The Future” franchise where the main character, Marty, travels to the future only to find teenagers riding on these levitating platforms.

Back to the Future

Since then, hoverboards have generated a great deal of buzz as the holy grail of urban transportation.

They’re practical, they provide a smart solution, and they definitely have the cool factor.

Justin Bieber, Kendall Jenner, Wiz Khalifa and scores of other celebrities have contributed to the excitement and popularity that surrounds the hoverboard. They’ve made several high profile appearances that have no doubt sensationalized it’s existence. 

But does this high tech mode of travel measure up to its hype?

Is it worth your time?

We’ll let you have the final say.

But first things first, let’s get into the details of our pink hoverboard.

What Exactly Is A Hoverboard?

Pink Hoverboard Bluetooth LED

The hoverboard borrows from the hovercraft technology and is often referred to as a “self balancing scooter”.

Of course, it doesn’t actually levitate like a hovercraft would, but it is the next best thing - a portable, rechargeable scooter that gives the experience of skating without you having to put much effort into it.

The hoverboard consists of two wheels and two small platforms that connect on which the user stands. Maneuvering it is a matter of hopping on and letting the self balancing technology do the hard work.

A Look Into The Technology: How Does The Hoverboard Work?

From a tech standpoint, there are several mechanisms that allow the hoverboard to move as seamlessly as it does.

The pressure sensitive footpads allow you to steer the board with your feet and control your speed. Apart from the speed sensors, there are also tilt/motion sensors that detect your movement, at which point, the electric motors will do the rest.

It is a self-balancing smart scooter, and yet, the first ride can be a bit demanding. As soon as you mount the board, it will begin to move under your feet. Naturally, you need to ensure that you have a steady footing before taking off.

Getting the hang of it is the first and only challenge. Here’s a tutorial that we’ve put together to help you get started. It delves into the “how” of riding a hoverboard and will facilitate a smooth riding experience.

Once you master the initial mount, the board glides like a dream and will give you an amazing time.

That’s a guarantee.

So, Why Pink?

Pink Hoverboard Classic

What’s a personal mode of transport without the personalization?

Pink represents compassion, love, and a nurturing sensibility.

Let’s not forget the hint of playfulness.

If any of these characteristics speak to you, then one of our pink hoverboards is designed with you in mind.

Beyond the style, they’re portable, easy to ride once you get a feel for it, and super affordable.

Our Pink Hoverboards Are Just The Beginning. The Options Are Truly Endless

While this comprehensive guide examines our pink hoverboards in detail, there is no limit to what you can get both in terms of style and capability.

A Multiplicity Of Colors

At Streetsaw, we have a diverse collection of hoverboards with colors to represent every personality and style. In addition the pink hoverboards, here are the other options:

Different Models For Different Capabilities

Our diversity goes beyond color.

We understand that each rider is unique and requires a specific set of features to match their needs.

As such, you have many options among which you can find a hoverboard that is tailored to your specifications.

Here are some key features that you should consider when selecting your hoverboard:

  1. Speed. Many people gauge performance by speed and efficiency. Some models are designed to go faster than others. The Streetsaw can go up to 10.5 miles per hour.

If you’re planning to use your hoverboard indoors, speed may not be a deal breaker or even a determinant. However, for those who are more adventurous and daring, it would benefit you to know that your hoverboard has the capacity to go quite fast.

  1. Range. This is not cut and dry metric to measure. Hoverboards are battery operated which means that your range will depend on many factors. These include the type of battery used, the speed that you’re traveling, the terrain that you’re on, etc.

Our Samsung batteries have a capacity that is 10% more than the traditional Chinese Battery. You can expect more power which translates to more mileage and convenience. 

Imagine if your hoverboard switches off when you’re miles away from home? That’s not a problem that you want on your hands so be mindful of your range before you purchase. It’s also helpful to know your power status when in use so there are no unpleasant surprises.

  1. Ease of Use. Depending on the ability and age of the user, it is wise to consider how easy it is to ride the model of choice. At the very least, you want to be aware of any features that may facilitate or complicate the riding process. Most hoverboards are very easy to use so this shouldn’t be a difficult requirement to meet.
  1. Outdoors or Indoors?  Some models are more suitable for an outdoor terrain than others. The size of the hoverboard makes it excellent for small indoor spaces and navigating furniture. Depending on the model that you choose, it’s also powerful enough for outdoor activities like going uphill or moving on a rough surface.
  1. Kid Friendly or Not? If you’re purchasing for a child, this is important. Some models are particularly suited for a younger demographic due to their features. A simple model that is not too feature-rich is safe for children as young as 13 years old and is easy to maneuver.
  1. Wheel Size. The size of the wheel is also import to consider. Small wheels are ideal for smooth and even surfaces. If the terrain that you intend to traverse is rough, a larger wheel size is your best bet as it will allow you to navigate elevated surfaces as well as corners.
  1. Weight Capacity. Like most transportation, hoverboards are engineered with a weight limit in mind. This is critical for balance as well as safety. If your weight is over the recommended capacity, this will affect your ability to remain balanced. In turn, your safety will be compromised because the hoverboard depends on its balancing system to keep you afloat.
  1. Safety. You want a hoverboard that has built in safety measures for example a dual balance system. It’s also a good idea to check the battery type and capacity before your final purchase because many of the safety issues arise from defective batteries.
  1. Portability. Hoverboards in general are compact and don’t have much weight to them. However, depending on the model, some may weigh upwards of 20 pounds. This is not much of a burden for carrying short distances and periods of time but longer distances may prove to be a strain. Your ideal weight will depend on how mobile you plan to be.
  1. Price. Unsurprisingly, high quality models from established brands will command a higher price point. Similarly, those with more features will also be more expensive. But generally, for the convenience and usability that hoverboards provide, they are a very cost effective mode of traveling.
  1. Brand. Not all hoverboard brands are created equal. For a peace of mind when it comes to safety and performance, we recommend getting your hoverboard from a reputable brand. It also helps to be aware of the many knockoffs that are circulating the market. In many cases, all you need is a microscopic eye to detect unscrupulous brands. Here’s how you can determine the best hoverboard brands on the market versus the knockoffs.

The Undeniable Perks Of Gliding On Our Pink Hoverboards

We’ve touched the surface of how awesome the pink hoverboard is and we’ve also addressed your safety concerns.

But, you’re still wondering how exactly it can benefit you.

Here’s are some of the many advantages of having your own hoverboard:

  1. It’s Convenient

A hoverboard can cut your travel time significantly. It’s modest size allows for movement in places that other modes of transport like cars and even bicycles can’t go.

For a more productive use of your time, you can opt for a hoverboard rather than walking or getting stuck in traffic.

Whether you’re looking to move quicker within the confines of your home or you want to travel outdoors, the hoverboard offers every convenience to do so comfortably.

They’re also ideal for spaces like factories, warehouses, and hallways.

  1. It’s a Legitimate and Cost Effective Mode Of Transportation

When hoverboards just arrived on the scene, many wondered if it was actually a solid and safe way to get around.

The myths and mysteries have been debunked.

In many countries, there are even laws to govern the commute using hoverboards.

What’s nothing more legitimate than travel regulations?

With our pink hoverboard, you can travel for as long and as far as the range allows.

The best thing about it?

As long as you use a hoverboard, you don’t have to spend a hefty penny on bus fares or gas refuels every time you leave your home.

  1. Zero to Low Maintenance Cost

If we were to ask a group of people what they considered to be the single greatest disadvantage of personal transports like bikes and cars, it wouldn’t be long before they came up with a consensus.

The unanimous answer would be the cost of maintenance.

Hoverboards have no such costs.

Aside from the initial price of purchase, there is no additional or recurring fees attached to owning a hoverboard. There are no parts to be changed, no storage facilities to build, and no down payments to keep taking out of your paycheck.

  1. You Get To Burn Calories While Having Fun

One thing is unquestionable.

Hoverboards are ridiculously fun. Some would say that they’re the most fun invention created in a long time.

To top it all off, you can burn enough calories to constitute a solid workout.

Don’t feel like hitting the gym or going for a run? Hop on your hoverboard and feel the same benefits of 30 minutes on a treadmill.

You can even work on sculpting that much desired six pack. Hoverboards are a balancing act and the core of your body is what’s pushed the most when trying to achieve perfect balance.

Not convinced?

Here are some funny workout videos for your inspiration and workout motivation.

  1. It’s Eco Friendly

You can be sure that you’re not polluting your environment when using our hoverboards.

As they’re battery operated, there are no gases or toxins released into the air.

There are not many, if any vehicles that can stand proudly by that claim.

To some people, the possibility of zero air and sound pollution may not be a big deal.

But for those who are health conscious and concerned about living within their ecological means, the hoverboard represents the next level of green transport.  

  1. You Get to Increase Your Balance & Reflex

Besides the full body workout, hoverboards allow you to gain optimal control of your posture and reflexes.

As there are no handles or controls, you need to use your body to accelerate, decelerate, and stop the board.

The more you ride, the better you get at maintaining that equilibrium. You also improve the subconscious reflexes that allow you to control balance, posture, and coordination.

  1. It Enhances Concentration

It takes a tremendous amount of concentration to ride a hoverboard like a pro.

Due to the speeds that it can travel as well as it’s fluidity, you need to be alert to ride it safely.

As such, the more practice you get, the better you are able to concentrate.

  1. It Does Not Have a Steep Learning Curve  

Simply put, riding a hoverboard is not an activity that requires a lot of effort or experience to master.

As soon as you get a grip on how to safely get on the board and fall into a rhythm of movement, the rest is a easy as it gets.

  1. It Facilitates Strenuous Jobs

The hoverboard has proven useful in several industries, particularly the manufacturing industry, where you are required to do physically demanding jobs like stacking shelves.

By gliding on the hoverboard, you’re freeing yourself of the the physical exertion which makes your task easier and maximizes your efficiency.

Even paramedics are known to use hoverboards to deliver medical care swiftly and efficiently when they’re in sporting arenas and other crowded events.

Think of using your hoverboard at your workplace? Here’s why it’s a superb idea.

  1. It Can Be Made More Versatile With Attachments

Hoverboards are an excellent stand alone recreational device but they can be given added functionality with different accessories and attachments.

There are several options for cart attachments that allow you to ride hoverboards while sitting rather than standing. The sitting attachment is called a hoverboard kart and can also be used to carry objects that are otherwise too heavy to transport by hand.

  1. It’s Durable

Hoverboards are quite robust and the authentic ones are made of top-tier polymer plastic and other components designed to handle certain weights  and agile movements.

But, What’s The Deal With Exploding Hoverboards?

Recently, there have been several incidents of exploding hoverboards. According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSD), 12 incidents have been reported in the United States as of 2015.

The damage to properties which has been in excess of $2 million have been severe enough to warrant intense scrutiny.  Some manufactures have put a halt on production and many stores have tapered off their sales. There have also been recalls from several stores and brands.

Naturally, many consumers are concerned about their hoverboards exploding into a ball of fire.

What’s causing these explosions?

Investigations have determined that the explosions are due to batteries that have been damaged or overcharged. But, this is an issue that it is found in many devices that are battery operated so it’s not a concern that is unique to hoverboards.

Batteries are made of volatile components and will present a hazard if they’re tampered with, not regulated, and mistreated. It is for this reason that the CPSD now has newly formulated safety regulations for manufacturers.

So, the answer to this frightening problem is simple.

Be very careful about where you purchase your hoverboard. Since the prolific rise in the popularity of this technology, many unregulated and disingenuous manufacturers have popped up. They produce boards with substandard materials or cheap counterparts so it’s no surprise that boards are blowing up.

Even in instances where you purchase from an authentic brand, ensure that your hoverboard is intact and has all its components before you charge it or put it to use.

So, Are Our Pink Hoverboards A Safe Way To Move Around?

We know that safety is one of your primary concerns, as it should be.

Riding on a hoverboard is a fun and playful activity but it doesn’t come without a few risks.

As such, the same rules of safety that you consider when you ride a bike or go skating should apply when you use your hoverboard.

While there are many built in safety measures that the board contains, you should also take your own precautions.

Here’s what we recommend:

Take Incremental Steps - What this means is, you shouldn’t go head first into doing advanced tricks on your hoverboard. Learn the basics of getting and staying on the board. Once you’ve got that on lock, you can dive into the many tricks and advanced movements. Youtube has a plethora of pro hoverboard riders with video tutorials of some neat tricks.

Wear A Helmet - As long as there’s the slightest possibility of you falling down and hurting yourself, safety gear isn’t something that you should compromise on. Get a helmet and other safety wearables like knee pads. This way, if you do fall, then you have enough padding to cushion the blow. With these precautionary measures in place, you are free to go town and back on your hoverboard.

Don’t Push The Speed Limit From The Onset - As soon as you get your hands on your hoverboard, you may be tempted to go as fast as you possibly can. After all, it’s as close as you’ll get to the exhilaration of flying. Resist the urge and start with a slow, manageable pace in the beginning. Even when you don’t intend on going at high speeds, know that the hoverboard is deceptively quick so exercise caution anyway.

Don’t Charge Them Overnight - Clearly, the hazard of exploding batteries is a legitimate concern and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. It is true that a quality battery from a reputable producer is designed to stop taking up power after it has reached its capacity.

However, the smart precautionary measure is to charge within the recommended charging time which is not more than 2-3 hours. Surpassing the necessary charging time of the hoverboard may lead to a defective battery and you may be burdened with having to replace yours.

Recommended Tutorial: How To Install A Hoverboard Battery

Stay Focused - Riding a hoverboard is an art of concentration. Keep your eyes ahead, posture upright, and ride with a direction in mind. The more focused you are on your movements as well as your surroundings, the less likely you are to fall.

Ride On Even Surfaces - While hoverboards can certainly navigate elevated surfaces and corners, it is recommended that you stick to a smooth surface. Of course, if there are obstacles in your way, it is a given that the riding experience will not be the same.

Avoid Busy Public Streets - It’s probably not a stellar idea to ride your hoverboard into heavily trafficked streets. If it’s legal in your city, the best bet is to use foot paths or bicycle paths when traversing public areas.

Know Your Local Laws -  You’re probably thinking, “It’s not that serious”. Well, it is. In some countries, hoverboards are actually illegal. In the places that it is allowed, there are laws governing its use and fines if you violate these laws. So, stay safe by keeping yourself informed of the rules.

Get Your Hoverboard From A Reputable Brand - Many of the safety issues that have been reported are a result of brands that sell hoverboards that aren’t genuine and have low-tier batteries. At Streetsaw, we use genuine lithium-ion battery cells produced by Samsung. These are not only high-power but very safe.

A Perfect Semblance Of Practicality & Style

10 Inch Hoverboard

We’ve seen that the benefits of our pink hoverboards range from health perks to good old fun.

But, its greatest feature is arguably the practicality of owning one.

This is the reason that hoverboards have gathered so much momentum as a must-have alternative to traditional transport. It doubles as both a means of entertainment as well as a gadget with implicit advantages in a work setting.

You’d be surprised at the number of activities that this cool gadget facilitates. Nothing is off the table - from house chores to recreation - the usefulness of the hoverboard is unparalleled to that of any other transport.

Let’s dive into the many uses.

Here’s What You Can Do With Our Pink Hoverboards

Go grocery shopping

Grocery shopping has always been a daunting and tedious task for many. The time and energy spent in walking around packed shelves to find what you need can be a frustrating thing to endure.

Our pink hoverboard puts the fun and style back into grocery shopping. Now, getting down to the store or local market can be something that you look forward to rather than a dreadful experience.

Do cool tricks

For adventure seekers and adrenaline junkies, you can rock your pink hoverboard by mastering any number of tricks. The hoverboard is self-balancing and will provide sufficient support as well as the flexibility needed to perfect tricky moves.

You can hover in circles, do forward and backward linear movements, or even rotate at a complete 360 degree angle. If you have the drive and the dexterity, your imagination is the only limit to what you can achieve.

Whether you choose to model the tricks that are already established or come up with your own, the pink hoverboard is the only tool you need. There are many Youtubers that you can go to for inspiration and some pointers.

Vacuum, mop, and sweep your home

Let’s face it …

House chores like vacuuming or mopping the floors can get a bit tiresome and downright annoying.

Therein lies the opportunity to use your hoverboard for something other than having fun.

Reduce the physical strain of tasks like sweeping that require rigorous hand movement by simply balancing on your pink hoverboard.

It’s effective, it’s practical, and it’s an absolute delight.

Walk your pet

If you’re a dog owner, you know that they need an exercise regimen just like we do.

Or sometimes, they simply enjoy going out for a cool walk.

The problem is, it’s not always an easy chore taking your pets out after you’ve had an exhausting day.

I’m sure most people can relate.

With a hoverboard, you no longer have to choose between yourself and your pet. You both can have all the comfort that you desire.

Water your plants

Whether you have a few potted plants or a large garden to cover, taking care of your plants has never been easier to accomplish.

A hoverboard offers great scope for movement and you don’t have to put up with the exhaustion that usually accompanies physical tasks like this one.  

Visit your friends and neighbors

When you want to visit a friend who lives nearby, just hop on your hoverboard and get on your way.

Perhaps, you want to walk but you don’t have the capacity for the return trip. The easy solution is to carry your hoverboard with you as it is very lightweight and portable.

Commute to work in style

If you work in close proximity to your home, this is a great option for when you’re running late or simply as an alternative to walking and cycling.

Your office isn’t close to home?

Not a problem.

You can still take your hoverboard to work and use it to make moving in and out of the office easier.

Don’t be afraid to use it as a productivity booster and a means of saving on fuel.

And what’s more fuel-efficient than transport that doesn’t work on fuel?  

Ready To Step Into The Future?

It’s intriguing, isn’t it?

A self balancing board that travels swiftly and comfortably in almost any nook and cranny.

On the surface, it sounds so otherworldly.

But a quick look into the many features, benefits, and practical applications of the hoverboard will reveal that it is just as suited to this world as any other mode of transport.

In fact, in many ways it is even more useful as it can go into places that others can’t.

The conclusion here is simple.

The hoverboard is the most pioneering and inspiring piece of transport technology to be released in recent times.

And our pink hoverboard is the gold standard of that technology.

Stay ahead of the curve and get your own hoverboard so you can move with style and efficiency. Engineered with your aesthetic preferences and practical needs in mind, it will meet and surpass your every expectation.

Don't Take Our Word For it! Here's What Our Customers Think:

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